National policies, penalties and guidelines for rail work

Working in the rail industry is about to have some new changes and we want to inform everyone about the new legislation for Queensland stating from the first of July 2017

Please take the time to read and understand what penalties could be put on you personally if you fail to comply with the below requirements

At CTC and IntoWork Recruitment we collect a lot of information that no one likes, however we do this for a very good reason and that is your safety and the safety of your mates that are working beside you

We require that all information is completed prior to you starting with CTC or IntoWork Recruitment.

The Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator recently reported on the new national policies and guidelines affecting the rail industry.

The National Law also provides clear guidance on penalties. These penalties are quite steep, and are in place for very important reasons regarding safety and compliance. Rail work can occasionally be quite hazardous, so not adhering to these strict guidelines can be a costly mistake in more ways than one. For example:

  1. Not being competent to carry out Rail Safety Work: penalty – $50,000 individual, $500,000 organisation
  2. Failure to have Identification when carrying out Rail Safety Work: penalty – $10,000 individual, $50,000 organisation
  3. Contractors not complying with SMS: penalty – $50,000 individual, $500,000 organisation
  4. Undertaking Rail Safety Work under with the presence of alcohol or drug in their system (blood or oral fluid): penalty – $10,000 individual

These penalties affect not only the individual, but the organisation employing them in rail work as well.

So as an employer, how can you ensure you avoid these penalties?

When you source your workers through a reputable labour hire agency such as CTC, you receive workers who have already been screened, approved as having all the relevant cards and qualifications, and have been personally recommended by a source you can trust. Before our candidates see any work, CTC are very strict on ensuring they are of a high standard; well skilled, fully qualified, trustworthy and reliable. So you can be sure they are compliant with these National guidelines.

Contact CTC about sourcing skilled candidates for your upcoming work today.