YHARS helps young people find jobs and housing

The YHARS program works with clients who face barriers to leading happy, healthy and balanced lives.

While our primary role is to find young people at risk of homelessness safe, secure accommodation, we also address the many factors that impact their situation. Young people who are helped by YHARS present with issues such as mental health concerns, substance misuse, domestic and family violence, childhood trauma, poverty, literacy and numeracy deficits, geographical isolation, disengagement from education, low self-esteem and a lack of positive-role models in their lives.

The YHARS team works intensively using a one-on-one Case Management framework to address those barriers that impact the young person’s life. When one considers that most young people present with multiple, if not all of these issues at play, it makes their successes all the more significant.

This week a young woman who has struggled to gain employment due to many of the issues mentioned above, was successful in gaining part-time employment in her desired field (food and beverage service).  She had been working hard with YHARS to address her barriers to success and it has all paid off after several months of knocking on doors and handing out resumes.

Gaining employment has helped her sense of self improve dramatically.  She has a chance to help herself out of financial crisis; she is contributing to our community, and has the opportunity to develop positive, healthy relationships.